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Thomas J. Payne Market Development

wpe15.jpg (5279 bytes)African Action Mode -- If you want to do business in Africa, you've got to beat the bush.   TJP is home in Africa, and has gone into the field to get the real story, work with the real people and get the job done.  We believe in the African people and the bright future for this continent, and have dedicated our company to development work to help realize the vast potential as a supplier and market.

Madagascar Vanilla  --  TJP performed the initial trade structure research on the vanilla industry in the Central Indian Ocean region. Our recommendations to liberalize the vanilla trade were implemented by the government of Madagascar and have sprouted a new private enterprise in the country which benefits producers and end users of vanilla worldwide.

Mozambique Cashew Industry --  The world view of the marMozambique Cashew Industry --  The world view of the marwpe14.jpg (33861 bytes)ket potential of the civil war ravaged country of Mozambique has been bleak. TJP was hired to determine the status of the cashew industry in Mozambique and to make recommendations for improvement. One-on-one interviews were conducted with traders, exporters, growers and processors of cashews. TJP obtained the real picture of the industry and its potential. Recommendations to improve the industry through market demand were made. TJP also went into the field to develop markets for Mozambican cashews in other markets, such as China, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. This interest has helped to give new life to the industry and a spirit of enterprise and optimism is beginning to develop for this African country.                Tom w/Cashew Gatherers Nampula, Moz., 1997

Central African Republic --  TJP worked on the identification of marketable trade items such as organics to the Western European, non-French market Channels. 

The Republic of South Africa -- TJP serves as an advisor to the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC) on agricultural projects.  This includes vanilla, cashews, treenuts and other items.

TJP makes it happen.


Send mail to tpayne@tjpmd.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998 Thomas J. Payne Market Development 
Last modified: May 03, 2003